Cleaning Light Fixtures The Quick & Easy Way

You will likely notice, sooner or later, that the light fixtures in your house can attract dust and spider webs in no time. These can be particularly difficult to clean if they have any sort of glass dome, shroud, bell, etc. But they don't have to be a headache! Although most people don't think of it, a quick and easy way to get your light fixtures clean is to run them through the dishwasher. It is very important, make sure you only run glass in the dishwasher. The glass shroud is usually only held in by a couple screws. Take your time to carefully remove them (supporting the glass with your free hand), and once it's completely free it should slide right out. Do not try to force anything. If you can't seem to get them off, you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way - we recommend a damp rag and a toothbrush. 

Disclaimer: Do not tamper with any wiring or electrical components of any sort. This tip is exclusively for the decorative glass covers on your light fixtures.

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