Keeping Wooden Patio Furniture In Top Shape

With summer now in full swing, all of last year's patio furniture is making its way back out, and...some of it might not be up to a good standard. Depending on where it was stored you could have dust, or even mold. After a whole season in storage, a cleaning is definitely in order. If your patio furniture is waterproof, feel free to hose it down and be done.

But if you have wooden furniture it will require some extra attention. Start with a damp rag and wipe off any dust. If your furniture is moldy, see our post on the proper methods of tackling mold. Here's the key: once it is clean, a coat of lemon oil to refresh the natural wood finish is highly recommended. This can be repeated as many times as necessary, and will prolong the life and quality of your wooden furniture!

Need some extra help in getting your space cleaned for summer BBQs and family time? Contact us now to find out how we can personalize our service to your needs!


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