A Quick Tip For Tackling Pet Hair & Odors

Very simple cleaning tip today, no harsh chemicals, easy process, and big results! If you own a pet, odds are you own (and regularly use) a vacuum. Pet hair builds up very quickly, and it can get that distinctive stale scent in a heartbeat if you're not careful. Vacuuming at least once a day is recommended for pet owners. This cuts down on allergens and loose fur floating around. But how can you step up your vacuuming routine? 

First, look for problem areas - with pets these are typically rugs, beds, and furniture (if your pets are allowed on furniture). With your pet out of the house or in another room, sprinkle baking soda on any rug or dog bed that has retained a smell. Let that sit for 15 minutes or so. Vacuum as usual. This will significantly improve the smell of your house after you vacuum and it will also keep your vacuum bag clean! Double prizes.

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