Keep Your Pet (And Your Home) Smelling Fresh!

 In previous posts we have covered the many merits of white vinegar, as well as various ways to combat pet odors. One important way to combat persistent pet smells is keeping your pet itself clean. And one excellent way to do that is: you guessed it, white vinegar. Depending on the size and personality of your pet, bathing can be anything from a small inconvenience to a huge hassle. Try the following method for a quick and easy freshening between baths.

Depending on the size of your pet, mix  approximately 1 gallon warm water, 1 cup vinegar, and (optional) a few drops Dawn and or 15-20 drops of tea tree oil. Dip washcloth in mixture and rub pet down, repeatedly dipping cloth. Finish with a towel dry and a good brushing. Dawn cuts oiliness, tea tree sanitizes and is good for skin, vinegar deodorizes and cleans.

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Cleaning Hack: Quick Pet Hair Cleanup!